Vulcan Salute 中文
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還只知道《星際大戰》?另一部你不可不知的星際傳奇巨作現正熱映 ...2016年9月5日 · 瓦肯人打招呼的經典V 手勢,稱為“Vulcan Salute” ,是由扮演Spock 的 ... Android 版本: ▷ iOS版本: Salute Emoji - EmojipediaVulcan Salute was approved as part of Unicode 7.0 in 2014 under the name “ Raised Hand with Part Between Middle ... Vulcan Salute on Twitter Twemoji 13.0. 1.瓦肯舉手禮- 維基百科,自由的百科全書 - Wikipedia瓦肯人在使用此手禮時,通常還會說著名的瓦肯祝詞Live long and prosper ,按字面翻譯為「活長久和繁榮」,不過在中文通常翻譯為「生生不息,繁榮昌盛」或「 ...Vulcan salute - WikipediaThe Vulcan salutation is a hand gesture popularized by the 1960s television series Star Trek. ... The following day, NASA astronaut Terry W. Virts posted a photo on his Twitter feed from the International Space Station showing the salutation (with ... Polski · Português · Русский · Simple English · Svenska · Українська · 中文Spock's Vulcan salute should replace handshakes in coronavirus ...2020年3月5日 · Even Star Trek's own Mr. Sulu, actor George Takei, is promoting the salute. Live longer and prosper. MagAlso features Digital Sound, True Color Gl'3p|1i(S, Walllappertinstantly tums an After Dark ... CorelDR/tW, winner of over 50 intematioiial atvards, is the PC graphics ... Bmim aboard the Enterprise with Captain Kirk and Mr. Spock on a mission to ... I ' , , 9 electronic schematics, network diagrams, llyers, newsletters, greeting ...Emojipedia on Twitter: "@parksideq Vulcan Salute comes in all ...2015年4月10日 · @Emojipedia any way to get the Spock hand emoji in a darker skin tone for Trekkies of color? 1 reply 0 retweets 0 likes. Reply. 1. Retweet.Vulcan Salute Images, Stock Photos & Vectors | ShutterstockFind vulcan salute stock images in HD and millions of other royalty-free stock photos, illustrations and vectors in the Shutterstock collection. Thousands of new ...本土新聞Local Press - 【「冼樸」私人喪禮洛杉磯舉行】 經典電視 ...冼樸令人印象深刻的還有他的火神星式敬禮(Vulcan salute),即舉起手,將 ... 在Twitter上載她在太空艙舉起火神星問候手勢的照片,向Leonard Nimoy致敬。
Matthiae Martinii Lexicon philologicum: ..Sacrificium pacificorum , quia pro pace , id est , salute , fautem æquicrurum jugo ... Paita , sipuoouévo , TE MEP TW uéves . ... Gl . Cyr . Vulcan . putat legendum re alii , quod remedians morbis finem faceret talis gravitatis . paludamentum .
- 1Vulcan Salute 中文完整相關資訊 - 你不知道的歷史故事
提供Vulcan Salute 中文相關文章,想要了解更多live long and prosper發音、Vulcan Salute 中文、星際爭霸戰有關歷史與軍事文章或書籍,歡迎來你不知道的歷...
- 2瓦肯举手礼- 维基百科,自由的百科全书
- 3瓦肯举手礼_百度百科
中文名: 瓦肯举手礼; 外文名: Vulcan salute; 又 称: “火神答复敬礼”. 出 处: 《星际迷航》; 相对词语: Live long and prosper; 意 思: 生生不...
- 4- Emoji中文百科(顏文字詞典) - 線上工具
絵文字日: 2014 Emoji中文: 瓦肯式敬禮 Emoji英文: Vulcan Salute 簡碼(短代碼): : vulcan_salute : Unicode版本: 7.0 Emoji版...
- 5瓦肯人-翻译为英语-例句中文 - Reverso Context
瓦肯人,这次我们地球人自己会处理,不需要你的帮助. This time, we'll handle things without your help, Vulcan. 他和我说你是瓦肯人.